OMERO.Insight(desktop client)


Please download the client from OMERO Download

  1. Choose Go > 'Connect to Server' (or press Command+K) to reveal the 'Connect to Server' dialog.
  2. In the Server Address field enter the server's name: smb://
  3. Press the Connect Button
  4. The Finder opens inside the tools directory. Go to the Mac folder.
  5. Copy OMERO.Importer.mac.command and OMERO.Insight.mac.command to your desktop.

Now you can open the client with a double click on e.g. OMERO.insight.mac.command on your desktop.

  1. Click on windows start button (or press WIN+R)
  2. Type in the Programm/File search line: \\\tools and press enter
  3. Copy the Links (Shortcuts) OMERO.insight and OMERO.importer from the tools folder to your desktop. If you have a Windows 32bit System then please copy the OMERO.insight_32bit and OMERO.importer_32bit links.

Now you can open the client with a double click on e.g. OMERO.insight on your desktop.

NOTE: Please don't copy the InsightClient directory. By copying the link to your system the current InsightClient is automatically pulled into the working memory.

OMERO.importer (desktop client to import the images)

see OMERO.insight

OMERO.web (webinterface)

Open in a webbrowser:
(Please do not use InternetExplorer!)